Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 2012

Long time no see! It's been quite a year. Ups and downs and ups again.  Yesterday was Christmas. The girls were cute. We got together as a family, that was good. We ate, played dominoes, and had a gift swap. It was cool, everyone ended up with something they liked.

Anelisse was upset that she didn't get anything from her list. Had to have a conversation with her about being grateful. Elsa and Adriana were happy.

Work has been tough. Intelligence and growth being measured by testing and putting stress on children and adults rather then measuring joy and love of learning as well as true analytical and creative intelligence. Somewhere along the line school has turned back to the whole idea that children should be seen and not heard and speak only when spoken to. Students should follow directions and fill in the right circles. Have we forgotten that we are educating the future?

Stress, pressure, good grades, lack of social skills...not why I went into teaching.

I will continue to teach my students and children to love each other, love learning, think, analyze, enjoy life, and have compassion.  I will at least, do my best.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Racing through

It's August!!! How'd that happen?!?

July was fun! So many things going on! We went to Maine for a week. Stayed at the lake house. As always is was very relaxing. We went hiking, ate ice cream, drove the country side, picked berries and just truly enjoyed each others company.

Mid week we had the chance to do something pretty special. For as long as Anelisse has been able to speak, she has said that she wants a race car and she's going to race. Turns out there was a race track down the road from where we were staying. Opening night was that Wednesday. I secretly decided that I would take her to the opening. Wednesday evening we got lost trying to take my mom and brother hiking. Anelisse was so shaken. She did not like the small roads or not knowing where she was.  Once we found the place, everyone enjoyed it including her. As we drove off I noticed it was 7pm, the race stated at 6. Had I missed it!?

She wouldn't know the difference because I didn't tell her we were going. Me on the other hand...that's a different story. I couldn't believe I had failed her!@! We drove down to the track anyways just to see. Maybe something was still going on.

When we got there we notice a lady walking in so my brother took Anelisse by the hand and walked right in. It was so late that they were not charging. We got great seats and say the end of the race. AND THE WINNER IS.... Anelisse had a smile from ear to ear, until...."where'd the cars go???" She hadn't realized that it was over and she began to frown. Over the load speaker they announced that we would be able to go to the track for a meet and greet! in a matter of seconds Anelisse was ready and waiting at the gate as we all caught up to her! She got to sit in race cars and meet female race car drivers...It was a great moment for her and us!

Never give up I guess...the best is yet to come. It may be cliche but there's something to it!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My birthday!

Summer has been off to a great start...I love every second with these girls! My birthday just past and although my husband was a typical boy, my girls were adorable!

Lili woke up on the day of and informed me that it was in fact my birthday and that she had a hug and a kiss and a squish more me. She  hung out with me and helped me get ready for the family get together and declared my birthday as the best birthday EVER! Elsa collected little things around the house, including and unused gift card she found in the kitchen, and handed me a small gift bag along with a handmade card and said we have to spend the card on a "mommy and me day"! Adriana took two hours to make me a very special breakfast in bed (1st time "cooking") all by herself.

Who needs material things that glitter and shine when I have three beautiful souls that shine brighter than the sun?! Love them!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Student 1: Mrs. Arroyo, can I do math during recess outside?
Me: Sure.
Student 2: Me too?
Me: Ok.
Student 3 & 4: Me too?
Me: Yes, are you sure?
All: Yes!!
...a couple minutes later...
Me: Why are you back inside?
Student 5: I want to do math outside for recess too.

Hahaha, gotta love 'em! Turning recess into math time...go play people!! Felt good though!
Student 1: God doesn't make mistakes
Student 2: God is perfect
Student 1: Yeah, like when he draws a child he doesn't make any mistakes.
Student 2: Yeah, he does everything perfect, and one day he made me.

Carry on kids, carry on...
Students: Mrs. Arroyo, where were you yesterday? 
Students: She was sick.
Me: No, I had Jury Duty
Student 1: ewww
Student 2: What's that?
Student 3: I know what it means she had Diarrhea!

(needless to say, a quick mini lesson on the judicial system immediately followed!)
We are sitting in the car and I ask Adriana (12): What are the Names of the States?
Adriana starts: Idaho, Ohio, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Hampshire, Maine...
Anelisse: Wait! Wait! I know it...Maine, April, June, March, Massachusetts, Maine...ummm

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cookie Monster

Me: Anelisse!!!! You ate my cookie dough?!?!
Anelisse: Yes. Sorry. =)
Me: No, not sorry, you can't eat my cookie dough. We have to bake it first!
Anelisse: *Crying loudly*
Me: Why are you crying?
Anelisse: 'cause...(crying louder) I"M A COOOOOKIE MOOOONNNSTER!!!
What do ya say to that...I've got nothing, just laughter!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I think about them all the I doing it right? What else could I be doing? I'm preparing them to be the people I think the world needs but am I preparing them for the world?

Adriana calls me every night.

-Mami where are you?
 My answer is usually: In a meeting, or on my way to a meeting.
(This is because I'm trying to make a positive change/impact in their world)

-Are you coming home late?

My answer is usually: Yes.

-Ok, be careful, I love you!

My question: Did you do your homework?

-Yes, ummm, I have some left.

I proceed to check in with the others,

Elsa, always active: Hi Mami! I did my homework! School was good! Bye! I Love you!

Anelisse: Mami? You coming home now? Why not? That's too long, See you later!

Growing up I hated this very thing...not having my parents around...choices.

On the weekends, Girl power, Girls night out, Mami and me day

Quality, not quantity is what I'm working on right now...

I guess the fact that every once in a while they stop doing what they are doing and check in with me and say..

I love you, Mami...

and go about their business could mean I'm doing something right.

Work in progress but so far so good.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vacation is over

Today wraps up February vacation. I spent it pretty low key. I was with my daughters all week. That was wonderful. Can't really ask for a better bunch of girls. They are sweet and thoughtful.

Unfortunately, I did A LOT of sleeping. I also did a few things around the house...and handled a couple of play dates, oh and hosted two family dinners. I guess I did more than I thought.

I always seem to underestimate what I do. Do you do that? It's almost as if I feel like I never do enough and yet I'm always doing something. Maybe more organization on my part? Who knows.

So on Tuesday I was at a meeting and here are two things I want to share:

1-My eldest daughter ended up becoming the babysitter and getting paid for it. She was so excited about the money. This is the second time she gets a monetary compensation for a service she has given. Both times her response was "They didn't have to, I had fun." How many adults can say that about their work?

Anyways, then I ask her: "What are you going to do with the money?" The says to me without batting an eyelash "I'm putting it away for college." and after a short pause she says "Maybe I should give it to the people who really need it and don't have anything."

Ummmm, awwww!

2-I was asked what I was going to work on for next week. I said, "Get home early and leave when my work day is done rather than stay a few extra hours." I got laughed at.

Then at church the Pastor talked about giving things up for Lent and again I up the extra time I spend at work. Then tonight I got an e-mail with a strange story that ended with the following message: work to live and don't give your life to work. Hmmm, I think there is a message in there somewhere directed towards me.

So moral of the story, give me a second to come up with one.....

.... ok, I got it!

ummmm... Enjoy who and what you've got and what you do, validate what you are able to accomplish, know when enough is enough and that too much isn't necessary and don't let your work consume your life. How's that?

How much time have YOU taken from your family/yourself?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mrs. Arroyo we missed you!


Mom: He told me you were out twice.
Me: Yes, I was sick on Monday and had a class on Wednesday.
Mom: I told him you were probably out because "she's tired of you guys not behaving in class"
Son (according to mom): yeah, you're probably right.

Other Mom: Hi baby!! (to her child), How'd she do today (to me)
Me: I'll let you hug before we get into that.
*they hug*
Me: Why don't you tell her how you did today?
Child: I did good!
Me: Ok, now look at me when you say that.
Child: I did good!
Me: All day?
Child: (pauses) mmmmaybeee not aaallllll day.

Child: Mrs. Arroyo, you were in a class?
Me: yes
Child: so you're a student?
Me: yes I am
Child: so you're a college student?
Me: yes
Child: you should go to Sanford and Brown, that's where my mom goes!

Monday, January 16, 2012

me, myself and I

egoism [ˈiːʊˌɪzəm ˈɛg-]
1.    concern for one's own interests and welfare

…because I didn’t want to
…because I want it
…because I didn’t feel like it

these answers in moderation…ok…but they can’t be all you’ve got.

What you do and choose to do affects other people around you and further out. Are you making a positive impact or are you making things worse?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Waiting for grandma

I sat in the living room and heard her tell the story for the umpteenth time. I’m not tired of hearing it and she’s not tired of telling it….it’s as if it were the first time she told it. I hear her remembering the good times, the hard times, the family and the relationships.

She’s alone now and I live far away. I’m not saying she’s an easy person to get along with and I’m not saying that she’s the kind of grandma who makes you cookies or sews you a blankie. She can’t but it’s not her style either.

She walks leaning off to the side and has shrunken in time.

Me: Te ayudo
Her: No!

She doesn’t want to feel useless or unable.  She doesn’t need your help. She’s not one to bother anyone, she says.

Her: You be ready if they’re coming to get you. Never leave anyone waiting. Don’t waste people’s time.

I’ve been waiting for about and hour and since I was dozing off on the couch, I went to check. It’s awfully quiet back there.

Me: Abuela?
Her: Esperate….que?

She’s not ready.

The mosquitoes are biting so I decide to go to the car. She has a skin condition and can’t turn on the a/c.

I ‘m sitting in the car as we speak. How much longer do I have her? What else can I learn from her?

…got back out of the car and went to get my grandma…still have things to learn you know!

Monday, January 2, 2012



Had my family over for New Years Eve. It was nice…favorite part…my babies.  They aren’t so baby anymore but they will always be MY babies! My mom brought rolls of bubble wrap…at first I was perplexed. Were we mailing something out?? 

Once Midnight hit, duh! The bubble wrap is here to step on, jump on, dance on…which my girls did perfectly along with their cutie 3 year old cousin.  It was amazing…I didn’t think I would enjoy so much noise going on at once.  It sounded beautiful accompanied by the laughter and joy of 4 children up waaaay past their bedtime!  My eldest had her trumpet, the small ones had paper horns, noise makers and giggles…lots of giggles!

My family has this custom…they throw a pail of water out the front door at midnight.  Why? I don’t know…I should probably ask. It goes as far back as my great-grandparents (as far as I know).  Anyways, point is, we do/did that at my house now. 

Yesterday after we (the adults) had done it and minutes after the cheers dulled down a bit, my “medium” daughter strolls through the living room with her own bucket of water. She continues right out the front door and throws out her water! Lesson:  Live by example, learn by example!

Question: How are you living and what are you learning?

Today is the first day of 2012. What is going to happen this year in my life…who knows. One thing is for sure, I will still be their mom and do everything in my power to enjoy every moment. Every giggle, every question, every tear, and every teachable moment in their life.

For example, here’s a moment:

Me: I love you so much! Did you know that?
Lili: Yes, I know that.
Me: You do? How did you know that?
Lili: Because you told me mami.
Me: Why do I love you?
Lili: Because you are my best friend.
Me: I am?!
Lili: yes…*snuggle*

These are the moments…I look forward to many more throughout the year!

*Resolutions for 2012: not to come up with a list of resolutions. Choose one thing and do my best to keep myself honest. I don’t make false commitments with others so why cheat myself.? Right? So maybe making it public will help.

Here we go: During 2012, I will do my best to capture these moments in life…in writing. There I said it!