Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vacation is over

Today wraps up February vacation. I spent it pretty low key. I was with my daughters all week. That was wonderful. Can't really ask for a better bunch of girls. They are sweet and thoughtful.

Unfortunately, I did A LOT of sleeping. I also did a few things around the house...and handled a couple of play dates, oh and hosted two family dinners. I guess I did more than I thought.

I always seem to underestimate what I do. Do you do that? It's almost as if I feel like I never do enough and yet I'm always doing something. Maybe more organization on my part? Who knows.

So on Tuesday I was at a meeting and here are two things I want to share:

1-My eldest daughter ended up becoming the babysitter and getting paid for it. She was so excited about the money. This is the second time she gets a monetary compensation for a service she has given. Both times her response was "They didn't have to, I had fun." How many adults can say that about their work?

Anyways, then I ask her: "What are you going to do with the money?" The says to me without batting an eyelash "I'm putting it away for college." and after a short pause she says "Maybe I should give it to the people who really need it and don't have anything."

Ummmm, awwww!

2-I was asked what I was going to work on for next week. I said, "Get home early and leave when my work day is done rather than stay a few extra hours." I got laughed at.

Then at church the Pastor talked about giving things up for Lent and again I up the extra time I spend at work. Then tonight I got an e-mail with a strange story that ended with the following message: work to live and don't give your life to work. Hmmm, I think there is a message in there somewhere directed towards me.

So moral of the story, give me a second to come up with one.....

.... ok, I got it!

ummmm... Enjoy who and what you've got and what you do, validate what you are able to accomplish, know when enough is enough and that too much isn't necessary and don't let your work consume your life. How's that?

How much time have YOU taken from your family/yourself?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mrs. Arroyo we missed you!


Mom: He told me you were out twice.
Me: Yes, I was sick on Monday and had a class on Wednesday.
Mom: I told him you were probably out because "she's tired of you guys not behaving in class"
Son (according to mom): yeah, you're probably right.

Other Mom: Hi baby!! (to her child), How'd she do today (to me)
Me: I'll let you hug before we get into that.
*they hug*
Me: Why don't you tell her how you did today?
Child: I did good!
Me: Ok, now look at me when you say that.
Child: I did good!
Me: All day?
Child: (pauses) mmmmaybeee not aaallllll day.

Child: Mrs. Arroyo, you were in a class?
Me: yes
Child: so you're a student?
Me: yes I am
Child: so you're a college student?
Me: yes
Child: you should go to Sanford and Brown, that's where my mom goes!