Monday, August 8, 2016

So much going on in the world. So much that could overwhelm us, keep us down, keep us preoccupied and entertained just enough that we forget how to live life.

My daughter went to Africa this month. She got to stay in a humble village and help start the foundation to what will become the village school. When asked what she learned she said "nothing". I was confused. Nothing? Se said to me "Mom, you taught me all that I would have taken away from this trip" I did? She explained that I taught her that our riches lie in love and family and not material things. She said that she knew she was privileged to have what she had and that others didn't have as much. She said she knew about hard work and teamwork. She said loved the experience and loved watching all of the joy that the village showed. They sang and danced all the time!

Where do you keep your riches? What brings you joy? How often do you take time to dance and sing? Why do we let so many things overwhelm us and lose sight of the beautiful things that surround us?

I saw a meme that said "Dance like nobody is watching because they aren't, they are looking at their phones." and another that said "Dance like a toddle, they dance even if there's no music."

Joy comes from within...let's dig deep and find it!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So, I haven't been around for a while but I'm guessing this is just as good a time as any to come back and leave some thoughts in the virtual world.

I was shocked to see how many views my blog had, especially seeing that it's semi private, in the sense that I haven't really shared it nor do I have more than 4 followers.

Looks like it's a time of change in my life and in the world around me. 

Yesterday was the elections here in Boston. It was in fact a historical moment. 

I watched as people woke up. People realized that their world wasn't as tiny and insignificant as they may have believed.

Ok, I'm back.

So much has been going on...

Not sure I know how to express any of it.

Just know that I'm awake.

I was numb and now it hurts, but I'm awake.

Been sitting around watching everyone else follow their dreams.

Not sure where I left mine.

Maybe under a pile of dirty clothes or next to the mountain of bills.

Where ever they are, it's time to get moving!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Role reversal

I am a broken record in class at times, I'm aways saying "What's easy for you may not be easy for someone else and what's easy for them may be difficult for you, don't blurt out 'that's easy'!'"

Today my biggest offender found himself in an interesting position...I paired him up with a student who usually struggles with all subjects hoping he could help him out while they worked in pairs on a measuring activity.

He had to admit that he needed help and couldn't do the activity, the other child (who usually struggles) had already done it correctly the day before. Child 2 went from struggling to teaching, and child 1 went from "that's easy" to "I can't do this".

He ended the lesson by coming to me and saying "He's a great teacher, (long pause) I didn't know I could learn from him"

Me-"It was easy for him wasn't it! Now do you see why I always say that?"

Student-"Yeah, I get it"

So many things are so great about what happened here that I had to share!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Great Idea

Watching a reality show, one about renewing restaurants in danger of closing, the owner says to the camera that it has been a really tough year. The worst for her was losing her husband. Having lost him had been a very difficult thing to overcome.

Anelisse turn's to me and says: "Mami, I've got a GREAT idea"-eyes wide open and a smile on her face. "Why doesn't she just FIND her husband and then she'll be happy again."

It truely was a great idea if it was taken in the literal sense. Sometimes as adults we have trouble seeing past the problem. Uncomplicating things isn't our forte. I think that although it sounds impossible to us as adults to find someone we have "lost" we shouldn't dismiss the idea as ridiculous. People come into and go out of our lives all of the time. They make an impact. They teach us something about ourselves and others. It would not be impossible to "find" them within us.

Not to say that that's where I was going with this but it makes sense sometimes to look at things through the uncomplicated eyes of a child and realize that the answer to our problems are, at times, as easy as a GREAT idea, just FIND it.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 2012

Long time no see! It's been quite a year. Ups and downs and ups again.  Yesterday was Christmas. The girls were cute. We got together as a family, that was good. We ate, played dominoes, and had a gift swap. It was cool, everyone ended up with something they liked.

Anelisse was upset that she didn't get anything from her list. Had to have a conversation with her about being grateful. Elsa and Adriana were happy.

Work has been tough. Intelligence and growth being measured by testing and putting stress on children and adults rather then measuring joy and love of learning as well as true analytical and creative intelligence. Somewhere along the line school has turned back to the whole idea that children should be seen and not heard and speak only when spoken to. Students should follow directions and fill in the right circles. Have we forgotten that we are educating the future?

Stress, pressure, good grades, lack of social skills...not why I went into teaching.

I will continue to teach my students and children to love each other, love learning, think, analyze, enjoy life, and have compassion.  I will at least, do my best.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Racing through

It's August!!! How'd that happen?!?

July was fun! So many things going on! We went to Maine for a week. Stayed at the lake house. As always is was very relaxing. We went hiking, ate ice cream, drove the country side, picked berries and just truly enjoyed each others company.

Mid week we had the chance to do something pretty special. For as long as Anelisse has been able to speak, she has said that she wants a race car and she's going to race. Turns out there was a race track down the road from where we were staying. Opening night was that Wednesday. I secretly decided that I would take her to the opening. Wednesday evening we got lost trying to take my mom and brother hiking. Anelisse was so shaken. She did not like the small roads or not knowing where she was.  Once we found the place, everyone enjoyed it including her. As we drove off I noticed it was 7pm, the race stated at 6. Had I missed it!?

She wouldn't know the difference because I didn't tell her we were going. Me on the other hand...that's a different story. I couldn't believe I had failed her!@! We drove down to the track anyways just to see. Maybe something was still going on.

When we got there we notice a lady walking in so my brother took Anelisse by the hand and walked right in. It was so late that they were not charging. We got great seats and say the end of the race. AND THE WINNER IS.... Anelisse had a smile from ear to ear, until...."where'd the cars go???" She hadn't realized that it was over and she began to frown. Over the load speaker they announced that we would be able to go to the track for a meet and greet! in a matter of seconds Anelisse was ready and waiting at the gate as we all caught up to her! She got to sit in race cars and meet female race car drivers...It was a great moment for her and us!

Never give up I guess...the best is yet to come. It may be cliche but there's something to it!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My birthday!

Summer has been off to a great start...I love every second with these girls! My birthday just past and although my husband was a typical boy, my girls were adorable!

Lili woke up on the day of and informed me that it was in fact my birthday and that she had a hug and a kiss and a squish more me. She  hung out with me and helped me get ready for the family get together and declared my birthday as the best birthday EVER! Elsa collected little things around the house, including and unused gift card she found in the kitchen, and handed me a small gift bag along with a handmade card and said we have to spend the card on a "mommy and me day"! Adriana took two hours to make me a very special breakfast in bed (1st time "cooking") all by herself.

Who needs material things that glitter and shine when I have three beautiful souls that shine brighter than the sun?! Love them!