Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So, I haven't been around for a while but I'm guessing this is just as good a time as any to come back and leave some thoughts in the virtual world.

I was shocked to see how many views my blog had, especially seeing that it's semi private, in the sense that I haven't really shared it nor do I have more than 4 followers.

Looks like it's a time of change in my life and in the world around me. 

Yesterday was the elections here in Boston. It was in fact a historical moment. 

I watched as people woke up. People realized that their world wasn't as tiny and insignificant as they may have believed.

Ok, I'm back.

So much has been going on...

Not sure I know how to express any of it.

Just know that I'm awake.

I was numb and now it hurts, but I'm awake.

Been sitting around watching everyone else follow their dreams.

Not sure where I left mine.

Maybe under a pile of dirty clothes or next to the mountain of bills.

Where ever they are, it's time to get moving!