Sunday, March 31, 2013

Great Idea

Watching a reality show, one about renewing restaurants in danger of closing, the owner says to the camera that it has been a really tough year. The worst for her was losing her husband. Having lost him had been a very difficult thing to overcome.

Anelisse turn's to me and says: "Mami, I've got a GREAT idea"-eyes wide open and a smile on her face. "Why doesn't she just FIND her husband and then she'll be happy again."

It truely was a great idea if it was taken in the literal sense. Sometimes as adults we have trouble seeing past the problem. Uncomplicating things isn't our forte. I think that although it sounds impossible to us as adults to find someone we have "lost" we shouldn't dismiss the idea as ridiculous. People come into and go out of our lives all of the time. They make an impact. They teach us something about ourselves and others. It would not be impossible to "find" them within us.

Not to say that that's where I was going with this but it makes sense sometimes to look at things through the uncomplicated eyes of a child and realize that the answer to our problems are, at times, as easy as a GREAT idea, just FIND it.